Saturday, October 10, 2009

Featured Artist- CustomCosplay

Our first featured artisan is Deanna of .  I love all the bright cute items in her store. The brain slug really peaked my interest, reminded my of Futurama. Deanna says she loves to make all sorts of cute things! She started out doing custom made costuming, then moved on to doing more ready to wear items like fleece hats, jewelry and dresses. make She have more hobbies than time to do them in becasue she just love learning new techniques, but always returns to sewing cute things and sculpting jewelry.

This panda hat is one of her favorites but the blue bunnies run a close second. She has so many cute and fun stuff, I don't know how she can choose!

When asked what makes her a geek, Deanna says she is addicted to anything cute, mostly Japanese import she thinks the fact that I ran the "Knitting club" in college and was a member of the "LARP" club (live action role-play) that means she has an instant geek card for life!

I would encourage people to check out Deanna's DeviantArt, since it shows some of her  older work, as well as stuff that is out of stock. She also take custom orders, so if you have a hat, plushie, outfit (or pretty much anything sewn or crafted) send her  a note!If she can make it, she can put you in touch with an artist who can- now that's someone who's connected!

You can find Deanna online at:

Check out her shop for some cuter than cute geeky stuff!


  1. tis cuter than cute!!! Someday I will get a pair of foxy ears!!....:)

  2. OMG! I LOVE the brain slug! Great stuff from a great artist!

  3. I love being being to get someone at there!

  4. Great! I think I've been inspired to take some of my product pictures on scrap-book paper.
